This week I met up with friend and fellow cyclist, L. Penn to shoot some photos.  If you don't know Miss Penn, she is one of the fastest bike-riding women in Minneapolis.  She won the All-City Alleycat Championship this summer, and has seen her fair share of podium visits.

Her latest battle has been with the big "C" -- cancer.  Aside from the missing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, you'd never know there was anything amiss.  She rode right through the worst of the chemo weeks, commuting to work and even racing cyclocross this past fall. In short, cancer doesn't have a chance when its host is this strong and stubborn. 

The bike in the photos was built by our mutual friend, Mr. Erik Noren of Peacock Groove Custom Cycles (and the star of my recent film "Deep Custom").  It was dubbed the "Anti-Cancer" bike, as it was built for Lee to race this last fall.  It is a steel framed, Singlespeed Cyclocross flyer.  It weighs under 20lbs and is the kind of bike you wish you owned - sharp and sleek.

Any local ladies looking for cycling glory this next season, be forewarned --  Penn's hair won't be the only thing coming back quickly.

**Visit this link to see past images of another friend who showed cancer the door: Andy Thieman.**
