Team GearJunkie, speeding toward the finish to grab 2nd place in the 2011 WPER.
The 2011 Wenger Patagonian Expedition Race is over. Everyone is back in street clothes after living in Gore-Tex, wool, Polartec, and the like, for over a week. Press, volunteers, and racers all had grand adventures, far from cell phones, schedules and the normal concerns of the world. It was great.
Being here chasing the race, shooting and reporting has been so rad again this year. If a more awesome places exists than Patagonia, then I can't wait to see it. I love it here. I'll be posting images throughout the next week or so to give you all a sense of the place. If you are seeking a trip full of gorgeous scenery, gracious locals and as much fresh air as you can stand, then I suggest you begin plans for a trip to Chilean Patagonia straight away. You won't be sorry.
I'm looking forward to being home soon though, as I miss my family and friends. If you fall into one of those two categories, let's get together soon, eh?!