Sometimes you have to experience something to care about it.
#BWCA at dusk reset my gauge of "peaceful".
I spent 4 days in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of northern Minnesota this November. I gathered with a few other outdoor journalists at the invite of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters and BackCountry Hunters and Anglers. Both organizations exists to protect wild areas so that outdoorsy folk like myself can freely visit and enjoy them well into the future.
For full details of the trip, visit The Gear Junkie and view the article. In the meantime, enjoy these unpublished photos of the area:
A view from the center of one of thousands of perfect little islands that dot these lakes.
Will and Zach paddle out for a sundown session.
Lukas checks in on his moose-meat stew.
Will and Lucas launch for the paddle home.
Goodnight, BWCA.